September 26 is world contraceptive day. The country defends unripe family planning appoint was in Beijing aerospace university to hold a few days ago with association of Chinese family planning the world used contraceptive 2015 day theme propaganda, aim to call the whole society attention to problem of young reproduction health, raise contraceptive consciousness of the youth, reduce blame desire gravid.
Show according to relevant investigation, in our country maiden adolescent, the sexual behavior before about 60% pairs of marriage supports more lenient attitude, 22.4% ever have sexual behavior, exceed half the number to be in among them any contraceptive methods were not used when sexual behavior first. Be in those who have the sexual behavior before marriageFemaleIn adolescent, the apiration of person Ceng Fei of more than 20% is gravid, among them 91% it is ending in order to abort. Demand field serves in health of maiden teenage reproduction, the advisory need that has 60% about and the remedial demand of more than 50% fail to come true, main reason is adolescent thinks ” feels embarrassed ” or oneself feel ” problem is not serious ” . In addition, only the maiden adolescent of 4.4% has correct reproductionHealthyKnowledge, only the maiden adolescent of 14.4% has correct AIDS to prevent knowledge.